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iTech Caregiver Script Pro v13.06

  (4.5 out of 5 based on 152 ratings)
Hey all you amazing caregivers out there! Buckle up for an awesome ride that's about to change the way you reach out to those who need you. Check out our killer caregiver website solution – the real deal for bringing innovation, empathy, and success into the digital game. Picture a website that grabs people's... read more

Fully transparent and editable PHP source code is included.
$225.00 $450.00

Product Description

Hey all you amazing caregivers out there! Buckle up for an awesome ride that's about to change the way you reach out to those who need you. Check out our killer caregiver website solution – the real deal for bringing innovation, empathy, and success into the digital game.

Picture a website that grabs people's hearts and minds, pulling in clients who vibe with your rock-solid commitment to top-notch care. Our carefully crafted script lets you build a digital masterpiece that not only flaunts your kickass caregiving skills but also creates a real connection with your audience.

Now, what makes our software stand out? Hold on tight as we spill the beans on why we're light years ahead:

Slick Presentation: Say goodbye to average and hello to excellence. With our software, your website turns into a showstopper of professionalism and warmth. Every pixel, every line of code is thoughtfully created to reflect your unique caregiving brand. Get ready to shine and leave a mark that won't be forgotten.

Show Off Your Skills: As a caregiver, you're a rockstar with a ton of wisdom and mad skills. Our script puts the spotlight on your unique approach, letting you flaunt your expertise, experience, and that special touch that sets you apart. Show off your brilliance and attract clients who crave the exceptional care only you can deliver.

Trust: Our Foundation: Trust is the backbone of any solid caregiving relationship. Our script makes building trust a breeze. Showcase your certifications, licenses, and glowing testimonials loud and clear, assuring potential clients that you're a reliable and trustworthy caregiver who goes the extra mile. Establish yourself as the go-to for dependability and excellence.

Smooth Sailing: Say peace out to the headache of manual appointment management. With our script, you'll glide through scheduling challenges using an intuitive booking system that makes your life easier. Embrace the gift of time, making it a breeze for clients to request your services while ensuring a chill experience for everyone.

Empower, Educate, and Engage: Your caregiving journey goes way beyond tasks – it's about empowerment and education. Our solution gives you a stage to drop knowledge bombs, share killer blog posts, and dish out invaluable resources. Keep your audience hooked, informed, and inspired, building unbreakable bonds of trust and loyalty.

Superpower Website, Anywhere: In a world always on the move, mobile accessibility is a must. Don't stress – our caregiver website solution is fully responsive, giving users a seamless experience on any device. Whether they're on a desktop, smartphone, or tablet, your website will rock their world no matter where they are.

Top-Notch Support: We get it – the digital world can be overwhelming. But no worries! Our support team is your guru, ready to guide you through every step of creating your website. Your victory is our victory, and we're all about helping you thrive in the digital jungle, growing success like a well-loved garden.

Ready to join the revolution that's gonna shake up caregiving for ages? Light the fire, broaden your horizons, and make a mark in the lives of those you serve. Unleash the power of compassion with our extraordinary caregiver website solution.

Don't miss out on this golden chance to turn your caregiving business into a powerhouse. Embrace the future now! Hit up our website and get ready to dive into a thrilling journey of growth, success, and endless possibilities. Let's shake things up in caregiving for the digital era, leaving a lasting impression on hearts worldwide.

Where do I find the features?

Getting Started

We're excited that you're interested in our services. To ensure you have an unforgettable experience, we urge you to check out our demo links before making a decision. These links are your backstage pass to exploring our features and functionalities firsthand. While our feature list and project descriptions give an overview, we're always innovating, so some features may change.

By clicking the demo links, you'll experience the latest version of our services, test cutting-edge features, and see how we can meet your needs. It's like test-driving your dream car before purchase! This ensures you make an informed decision with confidence.

So, dive into the future of technology with us! We look forward to seeing you on the other side, armed with the knowledge for the right choice. Thank you for considering iTechScripts; we're thrilled to serve you!

Custom Cloning

Are you tired of cookie-cutter websites that all look the same? Want to create a website like your favorite one, but worried about legal issues? Look no further! Our team of skilled professionals can help you create a unique website with features similar to your favorite one, without any copyright infringement. With our innovative approach, your website will be one-of-a-kind and sure to stand out. Don't settle for mediocrity, let us help you create the website of your dreams. Contact us today!

Demo Links

Once you try the demo we know you’ll love it. Please contact our support team for an enhanced, fully customized version, tailor-made to your requirements. Do you know how it works?



Mobile View


Main Features

We are super excited to share the features included in the latest release. Once you try the demo we know you'll love it. There will be even more features available in the future.

Special Offers

  • White Label (No Back-link).
  • Responsive Layout (Mobile, Tablet, Desktop).
  • Browser Independent (Edge, Firefox, Chrome).
  • Optimized Content (Twice Faster).
  • Fully Scalable (Up to Million Users).
  • Price Challenge (Lowest Price Guaranteed).
  • No Recurring Charges (One-time Purchase).
  • No Hidden Charges (Fully Transparent).
  • Progressive Web App - Android (Compiled APK)
  • Progressive Web App - iOS (Xcode Version)
  • Free Installation Assistance (36 Months).
  • Free After-Sales Service (36 Months).
  • Free Software Update (36 Months).
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration (USD75 USD175).
  • SEO Service (USD175/month USD245).
  • Content Writing Service (USD15/page USD25).
  • Social Media Management (USD150/month USD225).

Revenue Model

  • Membership Fee from Sitters: Revenue generated through membership fees paid by sitters for enhanced platform access.
  • Background Check Service Fees for Sitters: Charges imposed on sitters for background check services, ensuring user safety.
  • Membership Fee from Employers: Income from membership fees paid by employers for premium platform features.
  • Charges from Employers for Viewing Applicant's Contact Details: Fees levied on employers for accessing contact details of applicants, enhancing communication.
  • Personalized Services to Employers: Additional revenue from offering personalized services to employers.
  • Advertisement Revenue: Income generated through strategically placed advertisements on the platform.
  • Footer Sections for Google AdSense: Utilization of footer sections for Google AdSense, creating an additional revenue stream.

Script Features

  • Trendy Mobile-Responsive Design: Stylish design ensuring optimal user experience across various devices.
  • Ajax-Based Interface: Utilizes Ajax technology for a seamless and dynamic user interface.
  • PWA (Progressive Web App) Ready Design: Designed to function as a Progressive Web App, enhancing performance and user engagement.
  • Easy Customizable Template: Users can easily customize templates for a personalized appearance.
  • PayPal Pre-integrated: Seamless integration with PayPal for secure and convenient transactions.

Sitter Interface

  • Easy Registration Interface: Streamlined registration process for sitters.
  • Ajax-Based Login: Allows sitters to log in seamlessly using Ajax technology.
  • "Profile Completeness" Check after Login: Ensures sitters complete their profiles for enhanced visibility.
  • Profile Editing: Name, Country, City, ZIP/PIN Code: Allows sitters to edit basic profile information.
  • Email and Phone Number Editing: Permits sitters to update contact details.
  • Password Change: Enables sitters to change their account password.
  • Service-specific Editing: Senior Care, Child Care, Pet Care, Housekeeper, Special Needs, Tutoring & Lessons, Errands & Odd Jobs: Allows customization of service-related information.
  • Profile Photo Upload: Enables sitters to upload profile photos for personalization.
  • Membership Information Check and Package Upgrade: Allows sitters to check membership status and upgrade packages.
  • Account Closure Option: Provides an option for sitters to close their accounts.
  • "Privacy Settings and Preferences" Editing: Allows sitters to customize privacy settings and preferences.
  • Blocked Members List Viewing: Enables sitters to view a list of blocked members.
  • Service-specific Profile Title and Experience Editing: Permits sitters to customize profile titles and experience details for each service.
  • Education, Skills, and Language Editing: Allows sitters to manage education, skills, and language information.
  • Availability and Travel Preferences Editing: Permits customization of availability and travel preferences.
  • Hourly Rate and Preferences for Each Service: Enables sitters to set hourly rates and preferences for individual services.
  • Smoking Habit and Payment Types Addition: Allows sitters to specify smoking habits and accepted payment types.
  • Background Check Level Selection and Payment: Facilitates background check level selection and payment for enhanced trust.
  • Background Check Information Submission: Allows sitters to submit information for background checks.
  • Profile Statistics Checking: Provides sitters with insights into profile statistics.
  • Application, Messages, Connections, References, Reviews Viewing: Facilitates the viewing of applications, messages, connections, references, and reviews.
  • Background Check Statistics: Provides statistics related to background checks for sitters.

Employer Panel

  • Easy Registration Interface: Simplified registration process for employers.
  • Ajax-Based Login: Seamless login for employers using Ajax technology.
  • Recent Messages Display after Login: Displays recent messages for quick reference.
  • Job Posting for Various Services: Allows employers to post jobs for a variety of services.
  • Job Title, Description, Care Frequency, Urgency, Location, Contact Hours, and Fields Editing: Customization options for job details.
  • List of Applications for Each Posted Job: Displays applications received for each posted job.
  • Charges for Viewing Applicant Contacts and Connection Management: Levies fees on employers for accessing applicant contacts and managing connections.
  • Marking Sitters as Favorites and Managing Teams: Allows employers to mark sitters as favorites and manage teams.
  • Messages Viewing and Admin Contact for Personalized Services: Facilitates message viewing and communication with the admin for personalized services.
  • Background Check Request for Sitters: Allows employers to request background checks for sitters.
  • Profile Creation and Editing: Name, Country, City, ZIP/PIN Code, Email, Phone Numbers, Password, and Photo: Enables employers to create and edit profiles with essential information.
  • Children and Pet Details Addition: Permits employers to add details about children and pets.
  • Membership Package Status Check and Upgrade: Allows employers to check membership package status and upgrade.
  • "Privacy Settings and Preferences" Editing: Customization of privacy settings and preferences for employers.
  • Blocked Members List Viewing: Displays a list of blocked members for employers.
  • Profile Statistics Checking: Provides employers with insights into profile statistics.

Admin Panel

  • Admin Username, Email, and Password Management: Allows admin to manage login credentials.
  • Text Editing for "About Us," "Authorize Membership Payment," "Authorize Background Check," "Care Advisor for Parents," and "Footer": Enables admin to edit essential platform text.
  • Editing "Privacy Policy" and "Terms": Facilitates editing of privacy policy and terms for legal compliance.
  • FAQ Categories and FAQs Management: Allows admin to manage FAQ categories and frequently asked questions.
  • Countries, States, Cities Management: Enables admin to manage geographical locations.
  • Social Media Links Management: Permits admin to manage social media links for enhanced connectivity.
  • Homepage Images Management: Facilitates management of images displayed on the homepage.
  • Membership Packages Management: Allows admin to manage membership packages for sitters and employers.
  • Subjects, Fields, and Services Management: Facilitates management of subjects, fields, and services.
  • Background Check Levels, Prices, and Points Management: Allows admin to manage background check levels, prices, and points.
  • Background Check Requests Management: Facilitates the management of background check requests.
  • Subscription Packages Management for Sitters and Employers: Enables admin to manage subscription packages for sitters and employers.
  • Services with Images Management: Allows admin to manage services along with associated images.
  • Sub-Services Management: Facilitates the management of sub-services.
  • User, Blocked User, and Review Management: Permits admin to manage users, blocked users, and reviews.
  • Saved Searches and Favourite List Management: Facilitates the management of saved searches and favorite lists.
  • Billing History and Reports Viewing: Provides admin with access to billing history and reports.
  • Message Management and Message Suspension/Deletion: Allows admin to manage messages and suspend/delete them.
  • Posted Jobs Management: Facilitates the management of posted jobs.
  • Hired Users, Pending Jobs, Rejected Jobs, Expired Jobs Management: Allows admin to manage hired users, pending jobs, rejected jobs, and expired jobs.
  • Contact Messages Viewing: Provides admin with access to contact messages.
  • Website Title, Meta Keywords, Meta Description, Name, Currency, Email, Currency Symbol, Default Country, Company Tagline, Help Line Number, and Logo Management: Empowers admin to manage various website-related settings.

Customer Reviews

1. Is this a ready system?

Yes, of course.

2. Do you provide editable source code?

Yes, fully editable.

3. Can I change the design?

Yes. We provide a fully editable PHP source. You can edit the design files.

4. Any recurring charge?

No. Only one-time payment.

5. I need to add some features. What do I do?

You can edit the source files to add features. We offer custom development services at nominal rates.

6. Do you help installing the script?

Yes. We offer free installation assistance, except on local or unmanaged servers.

7. Do you accept payments in installment?

No such facility is currently available.

8. Do I have to put your name on my website?

Fully whitelabel solution. No backlink is required.

9. If your script does not work, what should I do?

Place your order only after being satisfied and convinced of the quality. The payment is not refundable.

10. Will your script run in high traffic?

Tested with thousands of concurrent users. It depends on your server.

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