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iTech School Management v16.54

  (4.5 out of 5 based on 422 ratings)
The ultra- versatile software designed to manage students, teachers, non-teaching staff, school events and every other school related matter coming within the ambit of school management.
$594.00 $1200.00

Product Description

iTech School Management is a popular educational management system. A school is also an organization which has a lot of resources spreads across in all directions namely students, teachers, administrative staff and school premises. For an effective & proper management of the school all of these resources are highly important. For proper management of any institute, it is very important to have a well advanced plan of how to utilise the resources. This school management system provides that platform to a school with facilities its management, making it more effective. The cultural data storage makes the data easily accessible to all the departments, eliminating the redundant administrative tasks of data generation. The software will enable its clients to track details of the past and also the current details of the students.

Where do I find the features?

Getting Started

We're excited that you're interested in our services. To ensure you have an unforgettable experience, we urge you to check out our demo links before making a decision. These links are your backstage pass to exploring our features and functionalities firsthand. While our feature list and project descriptions give an overview, we're always innovating, so some features may change.

By clicking the demo links, you'll experience the latest version of our services, test cutting-edge features, and see how we can meet your needs. It's like test-driving your dream car before purchase! This ensures you make an informed decision with confidence.

So, dive into the future of technology with us! We look forward to seeing you on the other side, armed with the knowledge for the right choice. Thank you for considering iTechScripts; we're thrilled to serve you!

Custom Cloning

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Demo Links

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Main Features

We are super excited to share the features included in the latest release. Once you try the demo we know you'll love it. There will be even more features available in the future.

Available Features for Your School Hustle:

  • Student Tracker: Keep tabs on your student body, from newbies to the seasoned pros. Know who's who and what's what in your academic playground.
  • Employee Tracker: Manage your squad like a boss. It's your backstage pass to all the faculty fun.
  • Money Matters Tracker: Where the cash flow meets cool. Get a grip on your financial game, from fees to fines.
  • Fee Tracker: Because every dime counts. Track those fees like a hawk and keep the money mojo flowing.
  • Exam Scheduler: The maestro behind the exam orchestra. Set the stage for success with your exam schedule symphony.
  • Attendance Keeper: Roll call, but make it modern. Know who's in and who's out in every class and section.
  • Party Planner: Turn up the fun with event management. Plan school shindigs like a pro and keep the good times rolling.
  • Book Nerd System: Rule your library kingdom. Categorize, organize, and keep the bookish vibes strong.
  • Payday Party Tracker: The ultimate payroll power play. Keep track of those paydays and make it rain for your staff.
  • Dorm Boss: Master the art of hostel management. Keep those dorm vibes in check, from room assignments to the nightly shenanigans.
  • Stuff Keeper: Inventory vibes. From pencils to projectors, know where your school goodies are at all times.
  • Bus Boss: Navigate the transport terrain. Who's riding, where, and when? Be the boss of those bus routes.
  • Message Buddy: Keep the communication lines open. A messaging system for when you need to drop some knowledge bombs.

Admin Stuff: Taking Control Like a School Superhero!

  • School Settings: Set the stage with your school's deets – the name, address, email, phone number, and slap on that logo for good measure.
  • Academic Year Setup/Change/Delete: Get the academic year rolling, tweaking, or waving goodbye when needed.
  • Set Up Work Days: Make sure the school hustle is on point with the right number of workdays.
  • Tweak Class Schedule: Juggle those classes like a pro. Add, edit, or delete timings as needed.
  • Keep Tabs on Students: From fresh faces to familiar ones, keep an eye on your student crew.
  • Admit Newbies/Re-Admit Oldies: Open the doors for the newbies and welcome back the familiar faces.
  • Peek at the Student Roster: Take a stroll through your student roster. Know your players.
  • Roll Call Assigning: No party without a roll call. Assign those numbers like a DJ spinning the hits.
  • More Newbies/Re-Admittance: Because sometimes, you just need more new faces or the familiar ones back in the game.
  • Deal with Courses: Be the course conductor. Add, edit, or wave goodbye to courses as the academic symphony evolves.
  • Tweak Subjects: Your subjects, your rules. Tweak them to fit the academic groove.
  • Stream Stuff: Navigate the streams with finesse. Add, edit, or part ways with academic currents.
  • Section Shenanigans: The secret sauce to organized chaos. Manage your school sections with ease.
  • Room Roulette: Where the classroom magic happens. Add, edit, or bid farewell to class sanctuaries.
  • Create Class Schedules: Be the architect of time. Craft class schedules that keep everyone on their toes.
  • Find Schedules (by Teacher/by Course): Sherlock your way through schedules. Find what you need, when you need it.
  • Play with Exam Types: The maestro of assessment. Add, edit, or retire those exam types.
  • Grade Game Setup: Set the rules for the grade game. Configure the grading system for academic triumphs.
  • Cook Up Exam Schedules: Chef it up with exam schedules. Plan the perfect academic feast.
  • Grade Kiddos: The judgment day has come. Enter the grades and let the academic drama unfold.
  • Take Attendance: Channel your inner teacher. Keep track of who's present and who's playing hooky.
  • Book Babble Setup: Organize the library chaos. Add, edit, or send books on a sabbatical.
  • Shelf Shenanigans: Be the librarian extraordinaire. Manage those shelves like a literary wizard.
  • Book Babble: Dive into the bookish conversations. Keep the library vibes alive.
  • Vehicle Vibes: Navigate the transport waters. Add, edit, or park those vehicles with style.
  • Plan Vacations: Because even schools need a break. Configure yearly holidays and keep the vacation dreams alive.
  • Work with Staff: Your backstage crew. Add, edit, or bid farewell to the unsung heroes.
  • Employee Permissions: Grant the keys to the kingdom. Set permissions for your school warriors.
  • Notice Ninja: Spread the word like a ninja. Add, edit, or disappear those notices.
  • Crazy Dashboard: Your school's command center. A dashboard that's as wild as the academic journey.
  • Graphs for Student Stuff and Results: The visual storyteller. Graphs that narrate the epic tale of student strength and triumphs.
  • Event Setup/Destruction: Plan the party, then tear it down. Add, edit, or retire those events.
  • Calendar Peek: A sneak peek into the school's timeline. Check out what's coming up on the academic calendar.
  • Crazy Class Schedule Control: The puppet master of schedules. Control the chaos and keep classes in check.
  • Library Boss: Rule the library kingdom with an iron fist (or a gentle touch). Manage the books and be the library boss.
  • Bus Boss: The road commander. Rule the transport kingdom with route precision and vehicle swagger.
  • Payday Party Planner: The mastermind behind payday festivities. Plan the party, then pay your staff like the rockstars they are.
  • Payday Play (In Band, Grade Pay, Med Perks, etc.): The financial choreographer. Set the stage for payday brilliance.
  • Tax Time and TDS Takeout: The tax whisperer. Handle those deductions with finesse.
  • Money Recovery: The debt collector with heart. Recover loans and advances like a financial superhero.
  • Loan Payback: Financial justice served. Make sure those loans get paid back on time.
  • Payday Paper Printing: Your financial print shop. Print those payday papers with style.
  • Payday Paper Full Report: The financial saga in a report. Get the full scoop on your financial masterpiece.
  • Raise Time: Elevate the game. It's time for salary increments and financial elevation.
  • Payday Plans (In Band, Grade Pay, Med Perks, etc.): The payday maestro. Craft the perfect payday plan for each hero in your staff lineup.
  • Tax Time and TDS Takeout: The financial guru. Tackle taxes and deductions with financial wisdom.
  • Money Recovery: The finance superhero. Retrieve loans and advances with a flick of your financial cape.
  • Loan Payback: Financial karma. Ensure those loans find their way back to the financial source.
  • Payday Paper Printing: Your financial press. Print those payday papers with precision.
  • Payday Paper Full Report: The financial novel. Get the full scoop on your financial epic.

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