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iTech Yellow Pages Script v6.05

  (4.5 out of 5 based on 409 ratings)
If a classified software in the form and style of yellow pages is precisely what you are looking for, there is hardly any better option than this product to match your needs. Coded in PHP/MySQL, this W3 compliant, search friendly web solution has been in big demand right from inception. Mobile responsiveness, high editability and reasonable pricing lend the script a distinct edge over the rivals. Fully transparent and editable PHP source code is included.
$294.00 $675.00

Product Description

Yellow pages refer to a directory of businesses, organized by category, rather than alphabetically by business name and in which advertising is sold. It takes many keywords and search terms to cover a small businesses "category" or "heading" for search engines. Internet yellow pages allow a small business to advertise locally and target his audience with single self-explanatory categories that most people are familiar with such as "florist" or "plumbing". Yellow pages offers listings differently from standard search engines. Where search engines return results based on relevancy to the true search term, Yellow pages returns results based on a geographic area. The users of Internet yellow pages have the same intent as the users of print yellow pages. This produces a high quality lead, much like the print phone book, because the user is usually only deciding who to buy the product or service from, not whether or not to make a purchase.

Where do I find the features?

Getting Started

We're excited that you're interested in our services. To ensure you have an unforgettable experience, we urge you to check out our demo links before making a decision. These links are your backstage pass to exploring our features and functionalities firsthand. While our feature list and project descriptions give an overview, we're always innovating, so some features may change.

By clicking the demo links, you'll experience the latest version of our services, test cutting-edge features, and see how we can meet your needs. It's like test-driving your dream car before purchase! This ensures you make an informed decision with confidence.

So, dive into the future of technology with us! We look forward to seeing you on the other side, armed with the knowledge for the right choice. Thank you for considering iTechScripts; we're thrilled to serve you!

Custom Cloning

Are you tired of cookie-cutter websites that all look the same? Want to create a website like your favorite one, but worried about legal issues? Look no further! Our team of skilled professionals can help you create a unique website with features similar to your favorite one, without any copyright infringement. With our innovative approach, your website will be one-of-a-kind and sure to stand out. Don't settle for mediocrity, let us help you create the website of your dreams. Contact us today!

Demo Links

Once you try the demo we know you’ll love it. Please contact our support team for an enhanced, fully customized version, tailor-made to your requirements. Do you know how it works?



Main Features

We are super excited to share the features included in the latest release. Once you try the demo we know you'll love it. There will be even more features available in the future.

  • White Label (No Back-link).
  • Progressive Web App - Android (Compiled APK)
  • Progressive Web App - iOS (Xcode Version)
  • Free Installation Service (36 Months).
  • Free After-Sales Service (36 Months).
  • Free Software Update (36 Months).
  • No Recurring Charges (One-time).
  • Unlimited Categories.
  • Unlimited Sub-categories.
  • Different member types.
  • Advertisement review.
  • Star rating system.
  • Easy to use member area.
  • Unlimited image upload.
  • Different membership packages.
  • Paypal integrated.
  • Add/ edit/ delete ads.
  • Easy customizable design.
  • Unlimited country, city.
  • Custom About Us page.
  • Editable Terms and Privacy page.
  • User testimonials.
  • Search ads based on cities.
  • Customer feedback.
  • Easy editable website text.
  • Comments on advertisements.

Customer Reviews

1. Is this a ready system?

Yes, of course.

2. Do you provide editable source code?

Yes, fully editable.

3. Can I change the design?

Yes. We provide a fully editable PHP source. You can edit the design files.

4. Any recurring charge?

No. Only one-time payment.

5. I need to add some features. What do I do?

You can edit the source files to add features. We offer custom development services at nominal rates.

6. Do you help installing the script?

Yes. We offer free installation assistance, except on local or unmanaged servers.

7. Do you accept payments in installment?

No such facility is currently available.

8. Do I have to put your name on my website?

Fully whitelabel solution. No backlink is required.

9. If your script does not work, what should I do?

Place your order only after being satisfied and convinced of the quality. The payment is not refundable.

10. Will your script run in high traffic?

Tested with thousands of concurrent users. It depends on your server.

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