Millions of sites running on WordPress will update to version 5.3 of the open source CMS platform – the last major core release of 2019.

Headline developments include accessibility improvements to the ‘Gutenberg’ block editor, along with the completion of PHP 7.4 compatibility efforts.

“PHP 7.4 is in the final stages of its release cycle,” explained WordPress core committer, Jonathan Desrosiers. “Overall, the changes needed to declare full PHP 7.4 support were minor, and have all been made.”

On the security front, WordPress 5.3 includes further improvements to the Site Health component.

Introduced back in February with the release of version 5.1, Site Health alerts website owners when plugins are using outdated versions of PHP.

The technology also assists with debugging common configuration issues and provides a means for users to access a site while it is experiencing technical difficulties.

“For WordPress 5.3, a handful of enhancements have been made to [the self-service area and error protection], as well as multiple minor improvements to provide the best possible experience,” the release notes read.

In addition, WordPress 5.3 includes a new site admin email verification screen to help ensure this information remains accurate and up to date.

“The site’s admin email… is a critical part of every WordPress site,” said core contributor Justin Ahinon. “This new screen will help site owners remain in full control of their site, even as years go by.”

The WordPress 5.3 Field Guide includes a detailed rundown of these, and other, developments.

Web admins who have turned off automatic updates will soon be able to upgrade to WordPress 5.3 manually through their dashboard.

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Credits : Portswigger

PHP is the most popular programming language for web applications. But PHP websites are also among the most targeted by hackers and account for many security incidents.

Snuffleupagus, an open source security module, aims to raise the costs of attacking PHP websites.

Developed by web hosting company NBS System, Snuffleupagus acts as an added layer of defense for PHP applications, intercepting malicious requests that exploit vulnerabilities in the underlying PHP code.

Why Snuffleupagus?

Sysadmins and webmasters have a plethora of tools at their disposal to protect web applications against attacks, including web application firewalls (WAF) and intrusion detection systems (IDS).

But while those tools are useful in their own right, they can’t inspect every detail of PHP applications. Snuffleupagus works directly in the code of PHP applications, which gives it granular visibility and control into the security of the website.

“We wanted something for PHP, to kill low-hanging bug classes in a generic way, so we wouldn’t have to worry about them anymore,” said Julien Voisin, lead developer of Snuffleupagus, in written comments to The Daily Swig, stressing that WAFs can’t detect and fix every vulnerability.

“Sometimes you want to have more granularity, like setting rules for when a function in a file is called with a specific parameter configuration,” Voisin said.

“This isn’t possible if you’re operating at the HTTP level, because you only see web requests, and have no clue about what the application is doing with them.”

Virtual patching

Snuffleupagus enables sysadmins and security teams to harden websites without the need to bother web developers or compromise the development process.

One of the benefits is that Snuffleupagus can push virtual patches on all machines without requiring clients to update their websites or content management systems.

Therefore, even if a client is running an outdated and vulnerable version of a PHP application, Snuffleupagus will still be able to protect it against unpatched vulnerabilities.

“Operating directly inside of PHP makes a big difference,” Voisin said. “For example, Magento doesn’t provide details about vulnerabilities, so previously we had to obtain the patches, understand the changes, understand what vulnerability was fixed, find all the vectors to trigger it, and write WAF rules accordingly.

“With Snuffleupagus, we look at the changes the patches made, and roughly replicate them in Snuffleupagus.”


Before Snuffleupagus, server admins could use Suhosin, a security tool that protected PHP servers against known and unknown vulnerabilities. But Suhosin is outdated and doesn’t work with PHP7.

(Earlier this year, the developers of Suhosin unveiled the Suhosin-NG project, which will be based on Snuffleupagus and aims to bring the project up to speed with the latest PHP build. This is still in development.)

Voisin has detailed how Snuffleupagus can protect PHP servers against a wide range of vulnerabilities in a blog post.

Since Snuffleupagus focuses on PHP code, it will not protect websites against client-side vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. It also won’t help against logical errors in the application’s code.

Snuffleupagus is also exclusive to PHP, which means it won’t be of use to Perl, Python, and other server platforms. It will, however, still apply to millions of websites.

According to BuiltWith, more than 39 million sites run on PHP, including 44% of the top 10,000 websites. Most popular CMS technologies, such as WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal, are based on PHP.

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Credits : Wptavern

On October 9, Juliette Reinders Folmer announced on the core WordPress blog that WordPress 5.3 will use the spread operator. The spread operator was one of the new features made available in PHP 5.6, a version released in 2014.

WordPress abandoned PHP 5.2 – 5.5 with the release of WordPress 5.2. This means the core team can start taking advantage of relatively new features, or at least 5-year-old features. For plugin and theme developers who maintain the same minimum version support as WordPress, they can also start exploring this feature.

PHP 5.6 introduced two new methods of using the spread operator:

  • A Parameter in variadic functions.
  • Function argument unpacking of arrays and traversable objects.

This feature shouldn’t be confused with unpacking inside of arrays, which is only available in PHP 7.4.

The change in WordPress 5.3 is not expected to affect themes and plugins except in the rare case that a developer is overloading the wpdb::prepare() method. Developers should read the announcement post to dive into what code has changed in core WordPress.

Developers should check their plugins and themes with debugging enabled in a test environment to check for any notices. There may be cases where the function signature doesn’t match.

The spread operator is a tool, and like any tool, it should be used when it makes sense. Because it is a language construct, it does offer speed improvements over traditional methods of using a PHP function.

The remainder of this post will dive into the using the spread operator to help teach WordPress developers how it works.

Creating a Variadic Function with the Spread Operator

Variadic functions are PHP functions that accept a variable number of arguments passed in. They have existed for years. However, they can be confusing without solid inline documentation from the developer who wrote the code.

In the past, developers would need to use the func_get_args()func_get_arg(), or func_num_args() functions to work with variadic functions. In PHP 5.6, developers can use a parameter such as ...$var_name to represent a variable number of parameters.

Take a look at the following multiplication function. It will accept one, two, three, or even more numbers and multiply each.

function tavern_multiply( ...$numbers ) {
$total = 1;
foreach ( $numbers as $number ) {
$total = $total * intval( $number );
return $total;

If we use that function as shown below, it will display 1024:

echo tavern_multiply( 2, 4, 8, 16 );

This is simple to do with the spread operator.

Unpacking Arrays as Function Arguments

PHP 5.6 allows developers to unpack arrays and traversable objects as function arguments. To explain how this works, look at the following multiplication function for multiplying three numbers together.

function tavern_multiply_three( $x, $y, $z ) {
return $x * $y * $z;

Generally, you would need to manually pass the $x$y, and $z parameters directly. However, there are cases in real-world projects where the data (numbers in this case) would already exist within an array such as:

$numbers = [ 3, 6, 9 ];

Prior to PHP 5.6, you would need to split that array and pass each value to the function as shown in the following snippet.

echo tavern_multiply_three( $numbers[0], $numbers[1], $numbers[2] );

With PHP 5.6, you can simply pass in ...$numbers like so:

echo tavern_multiply_three( ...$numbers );

Both methods work and will output 162. However, the second method is easier to read and is less prone to typos because it uses fewer characters.

Comparing Code Changes in WordPress

For a more practical example, let’s compare a real-world code change in WordPress and how using the spread operator improves the code over other methods. We can do this by looking at the core current_user_can() function.

First, see how the code is written in WordPress 5.2 and earlier.

function current_user_can( $capability ) {
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
if ( empty( $current_user ) ) {
return false;
$args = array_slice( func_get_args(), 1 );
$args = array_merge( array( $capability ), $args );
return call_user_func_array( array( $current_user, 'has_cap' ), $args );

Without looking at the full function, most developers would assume that $capability is the only accepted parameter for this function. However, the function accepts a variable number of parameters. Previously, WordPress had to use func_get_args() to get all the parameters, slice the array, and merge everything back together.

It is inelegant coding, but it got the job done for old versions of PHP.

Now compare what the same function looks like in WordPress 5.3. First, you can see the ...$args parameter clearly in the function statement. You can also see there is no need for the clever coding to pass along a variable number of arguments.

function current_user_can( $capability, ...$args ) {
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
if ( empty( $current_user ) ) {
return false;
return $current_user->has_cap( $capability, ...$args );

The change in WordPress 5.3 is a massive improvement in readability in comparison to earlier versions. It is nice to see these types of improvements to the core code.

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