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Ez Stackoverflow Clone Script v15.56

  (4.5 out of 5 based on 175 ratings)
An intelligent human brain can store answers to many questions, but it is nothing in comparison to the number of questions it is likely to encounter during the entire lifetime. There are countless other questions the answers to which need to be learnt from fellow humans almost on a daily basis. In brief, what we do not... read more

Fully transparent and editable PHP source code is included.
$40.00 $100.00

Product Description

There are some great "Question and Answer" sites with a large community of people willing to help. Remember that most of the answers you get are often based on personal opinions or experience and not on qualified knowledge.

Quora is probably one of the best and most popular free websites where you can ask questions to get answers from the large user community. The community is made up of experts ready to answer questions, often with useful and sometimes extremely detailed information. There is also an upvote/ down vote feature and comment section for each answer.

Yahoo Answers was around for a long time and remained one of the most popular places for real people to answer questions. combines community-driven answers with informative articles on a variety of topics written by trained experts. Anyone who answers your question will see a "vote of confidence," which is the number of users who have confirmed that their answer is helpful. The user with the most votes ensures that you know what you are talking about.

If you are looking for an answer to a question that only a lawyer, doctor, technician, mechanic or yourself can answer, then Just Answer is the best place. This is a page that allows you to add your whole story with details to support the issue. An expert assesses the situation and gives advice.

Blurtit is another social question-and-answer community that is little known on the Internet. Subscribe to ask questions, comment on user responses, or use the right sidebar to browse questions in categories ranging from science and technology to health and education.

Fluther implements strict guidelines in the general phase to help people find the answers they are looking for. The community area is reserved for more informal interactions with responses based on opinion. Users can create profiles with personal stories, questions, answers and more to improve their reputation and anyone can click the big answer button to vote for their usefulness.

My Reply is a unique approach to questions and answers so that users can choose who to answer. You can ask questions in text, photo, video, or even audio format, then select the skill area you want for the people whose question you want answered. You can also select the desired geographic location. The site will then move its community of experts and invite the right people to respond. So if you have a question for a particular person or group of people, my answer may be the best option for you. is a social question-and-answer network. It connects you to your friends on existing social networks so you can ask anonymously. It's an informal and fun platform to get to know your friends better, but you can always use it to find answers to more serious questions.

Snippets is a website where you can ask short questions of up to 20 words. Users who answer your question should limit their response to 50 words. The idea behind such short Q&A is to keep it simple and to encourage everyone to get straight to the point.

Reddit is a popular social networking community and message board that is divided into discussion threads on various topics called "sub-posts".

An intelligent human brain can store answers to many questions, but it is nothing in comparison to the number of questions it is likely to encounter during the entire lifetime. There are countless other questions the answers to which need to be learnt from fellow humans almost on a daily basis. In brief, what we do not know, we have to learn from others to enrich our knowledge base.

An easy, interesting and jovial way to learn from others is through online question and answer communities platforms like Yahoo Answers, Quora, Stackoverflow. Knowledge sharing is the fundamental principle working behind question and answer community sites. People with questions, but no ready answers, get them from others who are happy to part with their knowledge. The questions may be just on any topic: culture, philosophy, science, medicine, technology and what not. There may be experts who do not only gladly answer your question, but also elaborately give their opinion on the subject to help you out, enriching your knowledge for the future.

Ez Stackoverflow Clone Script is a web PHP based template, enabling you to post any question and have them answered by other users. You may also post your answer to questions posted by others. The user can search for questions using keywords and also like questions and answers.

Where do I find the features?

Getting Started

We're excited that you're interested in our services. To ensure you have an unforgettable experience, we urge you to check out our demo links before making a decision. These links are your backstage pass to exploring our features and functionalities firsthand. While our feature list and project descriptions give an overview, we're always innovating, so some features may change.

By clicking the demo links, you'll experience the latest version of our services, test cutting-edge features, and see how we can meet your needs. It's like test-driving your dream car before purchase! This ensures you make an informed decision with confidence.

So, dive into the future of technology with us! We look forward to seeing you on the other side, armed with the knowledge for the right choice. Thank you for considering iTechScripts; we're thrilled to serve you!

Custom Cloning

Are you tired of cookie-cutter websites that all look the same? Want to create a website like your favorite one, but worried about legal issues? Look no further! Our team of skilled professionals can help you create a unique website with features similar to your favorite one, without any copyright infringement. With our innovative approach, your website will be one-of-a-kind and sure to stand out. Don't settle for mediocrity, let us help you create the website of your dreams. Contact us today!

Demo Links

Once you try the demo we know you’ll love it. Please contact our support team for an enhanced, fully customized version, tailor-made to your requirements. Do you know how it works?


Mobile View


Main Features

We are super excited to share the features included in the latest release. Once you try the demo we know you'll love it. There will be even more features available in the future.

Special Offers

  • White Label (No Back-link).
  • Latest Technology (PHP 7+, MySQLi).
  • Responsive Layout (Mobile, Tablet, Desktop).
  • Browser Independent (Edge, Firefox, Chrome).
  • Optimized Content (Twice Faster).
  • Fully Scalable (Up to Million Users).
  • Price Challenge (Lowest Price Guaranteed).
  • No Recurring Charges (One-time Purchase).
  • No Hidden Charges (Fully Transparent).
  • Progressive Web App - Android (Compiled APK)
  • Progressive Web App - iOS (Xcode Version)
  • Free Installation Assistance (36 Months).
  • Free After-Sales Service (36 Months).
  • Free Software Update (36 Months).
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration (USD75 USD175).
  • SEO Service (USD175/month USD245).
  • Content Writing Service (USD15/page USD25).
  • Social Media Management (USD150/month USD225).

Revenue model

  • Advertisement revenue.
  • Footer section for Google AdSense.

Script features

  • Trendy mobile responsive design.
  • Ajax based interface.
  • PWA ready design.
  • Easy customizable template.
  • MVC architecture.
  • Codeigniter framework.

  • User interface

    • Easy registration interface.
    • Ajax-based login.
    • Search questions by keywords on the homepage.
    • See list of recently posted questions.
    • See list of recently answered questions.
    • See recently posted unanswered questions.
    • See question status (solved/ pending).
    • See star rating.
    • See question categories.
    • See question posting date.
    • See total number of replies.
    • See number of total views.
    • Update profile.
    • Update name.
    • Update email address.
    • Update phone number.
    • Upload profile image.
    • Enter a small bio.
    • Enter social media links.
    • Ask questions.
    • Add question title.
    • Add tags separated by comma.
    • Select a category.
    • Upload an attachment (if required).
    • Enter questions in detail.
    • See list of asked questions.
    • Share questions on social media.
    • See answers.
    • Like/ dislike answers.
    • Mark an answer as the best answer.
    • Mark questions as solved.
    • Search questions.
    • Answer a question.
    • Like/ dislike questions.
    • See list of answers.
    • Change password.

    Admin Panel

    • See total number of questions on the dashboard.
    • See total number of answers on the dashboard.
    • See list of all questions.
    • Filter questions by posting date.
    • See question title.
    • See question category.
    • Download attached file (if any).
    • Suspend a question.
    • Edit a question.
    • Delete a question.
    • Add/ edit/ delete categories.
    • See list of users.
    • Mark users as a moderator.
    • Upload images for sidebar advertisements.
    • Enter advertisement name.
    • Enter advertisement link.
    • Edit existing advertisements.
    • Delete advertisements.
    • Add/ edit/ delete FAQ categories.
    • Add/ edit/ delete FAQs.
    • See list of newsletter subscribers.
    • Delete newsletter subscribers.
    • Set website name.
    • Set website title.
    • Set website email.
    • Set website address.
    • Set website phone.
    • Set website Meta Keywords.
    • Set website Meta Description.
    • Set website Meta Author.
    • Set website social media links.
    • Edit "About us" text.
    • Edit "Privacy Policy" text.
    • Edit "Terms & Conditions" text.
    • Edit "License Agreement" text.
    • Edit "Home Banner Text".
    • Edit "Home Category Text".
    • Change website logo.

Customer Reviews

1. Is this a ready system?

Yes, of course.

2. Do you provide editable source code?

Yes, fully editable.

3. Can I change the design?

Yes. We provide a fully editable PHP source. You can edit the design files.

4. Any recurring charge?

No. Only one-time payment.

5. I need to add some features. What do I do?

You can edit the source files to add features. We offer custom development services at nominal rates.

6. Do you help installing the script?

Yes. We offer free installation assistance, except on local or unmanaged servers.

7. Do you accept payments in installment?

No such facility is currently available.

8. Do I have to put your name on my website?

Fully whitelabel solution. No backlink is required.

9. If your script does not work, what should I do?

Place your order only after being satisfied and convinced of the quality. The payment is not refundable.

10. Will your script run in high traffic?

Tested with thousands of concurrent users. It depends on your server.

11. Which version of PHP is needed to run the script?

It supports the latest version (PHP7x). Also, compatible with PHP5.6.

12. Does it use MVC architecture?

Yes. It uses Codeigniter and follows MVC architecture.

13. Is your script ready for future upgrade?

Yes. It uses Codeigniter. You can upgrade the core files without changing the custom files.

Recently Completed Facetive Bines

Legal Disclaimer

  1. We don't offer identical copy of
  2. We don't offer source code of
  3. We're not (in anyway) associated to
  4. Our services (website design/ development) are not endorsed by
  5. We have developed all available functionalities mentioned in the feature list from scratch through custom development. No copyrighted materials such as image, video, audio, music, text, terminologies and no trademarked brands are included in the project deliverables.
  6. This page features information already available in the public domain.

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