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FotoGraphy (Free GPL Licensed) + Web Hosting

  (4.5 out of 5 based on 216 ratings)
FotoGraphy is a beautiful, clean and elegant theme for photographers, artists to showcase their beautiful work. The theme has beautifully designed slider, portfolio section, service section and Instagram showcase. It has four gallery layout, three blog layout, three single gallery page layout. The theme has team and testimonial page to show team member and client testimonials. This theme is fully built on customizer which gives you the power to configure/customize with live preview.
$40.00 $100.00
License :

Product Description

The modern web was made for photographers; it's such a visual medium where beautiful images have an incredible impact. For the vast majority of professional photographers and aspiring photographers, having a website is a necessity.

Those special buyers, passionate about the uniqueness of their individual projects, and unwilling to settle for a ready solution possibly being used by many others, should rather approach our programmers for custom development, a process conforming fully to your preferences.

Please share your personalized needs and choices with us and see your pet project taking shape at a most affordable cost unmatched by any other under supervision of a dedicated project manager.

What's Included?

The following services are extremely handy when launching your website.

1. Hosting Service (12 Months).
2. Android App (Compiled APK).
3. Windows App (Installer Files).
4. Installation Service (12 Months).
5. Technical Support (12 Months).
6. Software Update (12 Months).

Remote Staff

Overseas customers now stand to benefit immensely by choosing to remote hire the services of our top-notch software professionals at just fraction of the prevailing costs in respective countries. For more information, click here .

Demo Links

Please try the demo, we know you'll love it.

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