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Unleash the Power of Partnership

Attention Technology Enthusiasts, Visionaries, and Entrepreneurs!

Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary journey of growth, innovation, and success? Look no further! iTechScripts, a renowned software company in India with decades of experience, is seeking exceptional channel partners like you to join us in expanding our global footprint and shaping the future of the digital world.

At iTechScripts, we are more than just a software company; we are architects of technological transformation. Our expertise spans the entire spectrum of software development and design, including custom web development, captivating web design, stunning UI/UX experiences, powerful Android and iOS app development, and cutting-edge AI solutions. We have honed our skills and perfected our craft, delivering outstanding results to clients worldwide.

Why Partner with iTechScripts?

Be Part of the Elite: By joining forces with iTechScripts, you become part of an elite group of technology solution providers. Our name resonates with excellence, innovation, and success. As our esteemed partner, you inherit the distinction and recognition that comes with our brand, instantly elevating your position in the market.

Unlimited Growth Potential: Imagine unlocking boundless opportunities for growth and profitability. As a channel partner, you gain access to our comprehensive service portfolio, encompassing a wide range of cutting-edge solutions. From startups to enterprises, from web development to AI integration, you can cater to diverse client needs, expanding your horizons and securing a lucrative future.

Unleash Innovation: We believe that innovation is the key to unlocking the full potential of technology. As our partner, you become part of a collaborative ecosystem that nurtures free-flowing ideas, fosters creativity, and encourages groundbreaking solutions. Together, we will push the boundaries of what's possible, leveraging emerging technologies and trends to revolutionize industries.

Global Network, Local Expertise: With iTechScripts, you get the best of both worlds. As our channel partner, you gain access to our global network, spanning continents and industries. Tap into our international presence, established client base, and resources, while leveraging your deep understanding of your local market dynamics. This powerful synergy empowers you to deliver tailored solutions with a global perspective and a local touch.

Unmatched Support: We are invested in your success. Our partnership goes beyond a mere business arrangement; it's a collaborative journey. Count on us to provide unwavering support, guidance, and resources to help you thrive. Our dedicated team of experts is committed to your growth, offering comprehensive training, marketing collateral, technical assistance, and ongoing support, every step of the way.

How to Get Started?

Seize the opportunity to revolutionize the digital landscape in your country and region. Take the first step toward a prosperous future by reaching out to our partnership specialists at [Contact Details]. They will guide you through a seamless onboarding process, ensuring that you are equipped with the knowledge, tools, and resources to hit the ground running.

Together, let's unleash the power of partnership and reshape the world through transformative technology solutions. Let's break barriers, conquer markets, and leave an indelible mark on the digital landscape.

Join us at iTechScripts and embark on a remarkable journey where innovation knows no bounds, growth has no limits, and success becomes an everyday reality.

What makes our partnership program stand out?

Some very distinctive features, that one can hardly afford to overlook, go into the shaping of our already popular partnership program, making it a virtual recipe for success to all aspiring participants:

  1. Demo on your domain.
  2. One slot per region.
  3. No upfront payment.
  4. No ceiling on pricing.
  5. No minimum sales target.
  6. Neutral email support to your customers.
  7. Guidance by our experts for the best performance.
  8. Receive vital business tips from experienced professionals through newsletters.
  9. Interact one on one with professionals over Whatsapp to get queries answered.

Frequently Asked Questions

Read the FAQ below to learn more about our partnership program.

1. How do I enter your Partnership Program?

It is quite a short and simple procedure. Just fill out the form below to get yourself registered with our Partnership Program. We shall guide you after that through a few step by step instructions.

2. Are there any charges?

No. Our Partnership Program comes to you absolutely for free.

3. What is your revenue sharing basis?

Depending on the product/s you sell, iTechScripts will share with you upto 75% of the revenue you generate.

4. Do you offer only selective products to partners for sale?

No, as our resale agent you will be able to sell every ready script and custom project.

5. Shall I be required to resell strictly at product prices set by iTechScripts?

No. While reselling our products, you will be at liberty to set your own price. Though revenue sharing will be done on the basis of iTechScripts determined prices, if you are able to sell any product/s at a price higher than the one set by iTechScripts, the amount of difference will not come under the purview of revenue sharing. This means, besides your earning through the standard revenue sharing, the entire amount of difference you generate will be your additional gain.

6. Do you offer after-sale support to the customers?

Yes, we do offer dedicated customer support to the customers buying our products. Moreover, we offer free hosting services to all your customers for 36 months.

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