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Search Engine Optimization

What is a Search Engine?

The Search Engine is a very widely known versatile tool used for the purpose of receiving different signals from the web to measure the popularity of a website. It means in real sense what results your efforts towards creating a popular website have yielded at a particular point of time. Google, Yahoo, Bing are among the leading Search Engines in the world.

A search engine does not only make availability of the treasure of information sourced from every corner of the globe lightning fast for you, it also acts as a constant monitor of the standings of your own website.

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a combination of mutiple meaningful actions aimed at boosting organic traffic to a website both quantitatively and qualitatively. Against the backdrop of fierce competition today to occupy the top spot in prominence and credibility, it is obvious that you need to set many things right before you earn that distinction. And the top spot is not meant for everybody!

There are many preset parameters on which the worth of your website is constantly monitored and measured to determine the exact position your website deserves to be in. So even if you are vying in earnest for the top spot on the first page, the search engine may still rate you otherwise. It is believed that Google, by far the world's largest search engine service provider, uses more than 200 different signals for scoring.


The apparent traffic to your website can be misleading at times. A casual traffic, neither seriously interested in the services of your website nor willing to have any business related interaction with you, can be viewed as worthless. It does not contribute to the quality of traffic you look for.

The traffic generated by only those visitors accessing your website through Search Engine Page results for which you do not pay, are far more likely to add to the quality and quantity of traffic you require.

The basic theory on which a search engine works

When you type your query in a search engine box, the search engine sets up crawlers to scan the internet for all relevant contents and bring them back to the search engine for indexing.. Through a complex algorithmic procedure all the indexed contents are then matched with your query to arrive at the possible answer.

Search Engine Optimization: Stretching your worth to where it should be

To unlock the true potential of your business website, you need to bring about changes and upgradations to secure better rankings up the search engine pages. This is not a one-off job but a sort of ongoing process you need to remain mindful of.

With every upgradation in line with the set parameters, your website gets a boost. Sometimes minor tweaks can bring about big push up the ranking ladder if the changes made are vital in nature.

Entrust iTechScripts for the gamechanging SEO job

iTechScripts has been a preferred destination for many business houses in India and beyond for SEO jobs. It is because we understand thoroughly well the significance and urgency to extend and multiply the digital presence of your website.

Now that the concept of online business is sweeping across the globe, nothing can be more frustrating for a business house than finding itself lost in the vast crowd of rivals. It is precisely the reason why at iTechScripts we spend quite some time to study and understand your requirements, pinpoint weaknesses and advantages alike.

We work on your deficiencies systematically, parameter by parameter, trying to bridge the gaps that have held you back from a prominent search engine ranking so long. This results in a spurt of clean organic traffic to your website with visibly improved ranking. With improved ranking you have more customers, more sales and more profits.

At iTechScripts you have the advantage of highly qualified and experienced team of professionals working dedicatedly for you at very affordable rates with remarkably friendly customer support.

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