COVID-19 Increasing Demands on Canadian Caregivers.


On National Caregiver Day, we honor the Canadians who care for their family and friends and raise awareness of the essential role of caregivers and educate them about their unique challenges and unmet needs. This year, it is more important than ever to support Canadian nurses as the COVID-19 pandemic has created additional pressure and put their physical, emotional and financial health at risk.

The Carer Well-Being Index, examines the impact of COVID-19 on the Canadian caregiver community. The index highlights some alarming trends affecting Canadian nurses, including increasing demands, increasing responsibilities, inequalities and the general deterioration in their health and well-being.

Canadian caregivers feel more exhausted than ever before. 71% of those surveyed said they felt more burnt than ever. 70% report a deterioration in their mental or emotional health, 55% report a deterioration in their financial health and 51% report a deterioration in their physical health. Canadian caregivers have taken on greater responsibility for emotional support, technology management, home care and advocacy for loved ones, and home care responsibilities have increased by 42% due to the pandemic. 64% of nurses in Canada say their main responsibility is to manage medical appointments.

Caregivers are disproportionately affected. Caregivers and those caring for someone with persistent dementia face unprecedented challenges. 61% of Canadian caregivers surveyed reported being female, 71% said caregiving had a negative effect on their emotional or mental health. Two-thirds (65%) of women surveyed say that care has had a negative impact on their financial health (compared to 56% of the average caregiver in Canada).

To address these challenges, Carers Canada has launched a national campaign called “Nursing Experiences”. Over 25 caregivers in Canada will share what they think, feel and do during their care journeys.

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