Fast and easy development with Azure Database for MySQL and PostgreSQL

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This blog post was co-authored by James Ashley, MR and AI Architect, Microsoft MVP.

Developers sometimes get anxious when it comes to hooking up a database for their apps. However, with Azure Database for MySQL and Azure Database for PostgreSQL, quickly propping up and accessing a relational database is a piece of cake. These lightweight, open source database services provide a great way to get small apps and prototypes started with very little effort. Without any extra work on your part, you can automatically take advantage of built-in security, fault tolerance, and data protection. You also can use point-in-time restore to recover a server to an earlier state—as far back as 35 days.

Azure Database for MySQL and Azure Database for PostgreSQL will work with whatever kind of project you are creating, whether it is a Linux app running in a Docker container orchestrated by Kubernetes, a computer vision service using Python, or a simple ASP.NET website to display travel photos.

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