Oracle Improves Developers Productivity with the General Availability of Java 14 :-

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The updated Java Development Kit (JDK) offers new functionality, including two new widely awaited sample functionality, such as Pattern Matching (JEP 305) and Records (JEP 359), and the second sample of Text Blocks (JEP 368).

Oracle recently revealed Java 14 (Oracle JDK 14) as being now generally available. Java 14 maintains Oracle’s commitment to speeding up innovation by delivering new features every six months to businesses and the developer community with a new feature update.

In addition, the latest Java release introduces Java language support for swapping expressions, exposes new APIs for continuous monitoring of JDK Flight Recorder data, extends the availability of the low latency Z Garbage Collector to macOS and Windows, and introduces the packaging of self-contained Java applications in incubator modules and a new International Memory Access API for secure, efficient memory access.

The Java 14 launch is the outcome of industry-wide development, including open review, weekly builds, and comprehensive cooperation through the OpenJDK Network and the Java Network Process between Oracle engineers and members of the worldwide Java developer community. The new features Java 14 provides include JEP 305, JEP 345, JEP 349, JEP 352, JEP 358, JEP 359, JEP 361, JEP 364, JEP 368, JEP 370.

Oracle also provides the Oracle Java SE Subscription, a low cost and reliable service solution for consumers and companies looking for commercial service.

This service is presently being used by thousands of large and small global companies requesting the Java SE license, and robust support for the systems they need, and only for as long as they need it.

Java remains the # 1 programming language that software developers prefer. As the timely delivery of innovations with Java 14 shows, the Java platform continues to power modern application creation through careful planning and ecosystem participation.

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