What’s New in the Software Development Industry in 2017

Credits : Tech

Credits : Tech


Software developing company Coding Sans has just released a 2017 report, the State of Software Development, in order to take a look at the trends, challenges and tactics that the modern software developer is facing today. Here’s a quick summation of key points from the report, which polled over 120 workers within the industry.

Javascript Is the Biggest Primary Language

Over half of those surveyed (52.38 percent) named Javascript as their primary coding language, while Java and Python came in second and third, respectively.

74 Percent Allow Remote Work

One oft-discussed element of tech startups, remote work, featured in the survey: 74.6 percent allow it already, and of the remaining 25.4 percent, another 15.62 percent plan to allow it within another year.

That’s a great sign, given the recent statistic that a full 98 percent of remote workers believe flexible work options help out their productivity.

Most Important Hiring Criteria: Work Experience

Better brush up on your resume.

“Not surprisingly,” the report explains, “68.50 percent of startups consider work experience as one of the most important hiring criteria, following cultural fit (59.84 percent) and test project (31.5 percent) and side projects (30.71 percent).”

The Biggest Challenge: Hiring Talent

The report showed that 35.48 percent of respondents agree: The biggest challenge today’s startups face is hiring talent. Other concerns include prioritizing development and managing human capacity for the project. Here’s how most software developers are solving their talent issue:

“The most popular way to overcome this challenge is to hire a head hunter or agency and also to use professional connections to get talent on board. Another way is to allocate more time for hiring and posting job offers on job websites.”

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