Yellow Pages features

Yellow Pages, also known as YP, is a business directory service that provides information about various local businesses. It typically includes the names, addresses, and phone numbers of businesses, as well as maps, reviews, and other information.

Some of the features offered by YP include:
Search capabilities: users can search for businesses by category, keyword, location, or business name.
Business listings: comprehensive business profiles with detailed information such as hours of operation, payment methods, and more.
User reviews: users can leave reviews and ratings for businesses they’ve interacted with, helping others make informed decisions.
Maps and directions: users can get directions to businesses, as well as view maps to help them find their way.
Advertisers: businesses can advertise their services and products on YP, reaching a large audience of potential customers.
Mobile app: YP also has a mobile app that provides the same features as the website, making it easy for users to access business information on-the-go.

Overall, Yellow Pages provides a convenient way for people to find and learn about local businesses, as well as for businesses to reach new customers.

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